Live Cell Analysis

In today’s world, there is no shortage of health related material hitting the media – some suggesting the “magic pill” cure all, others saying that foods we’ve consumed for years are no longer healthy.  There is a never ending stream of conflicting and confusing information.

In an effort to remove the “clutter”, we offer a tool that has existed for decades, but is now available for our clients to obtain a firsthand look into the strength, or challenges, specific to THEIR blood health. This tool is known as Live Blood Cell Analysis.  Following a nutritional discussion and evaluation, we take a single drop of blood from your finger and place it onto a microscope slide.  The image is fed via a miniature camera, mounted on the microscope, onto a video monitor so we can show you precisely what we are looking at to determine the status of your blood health. 

What can we detect?  Several challenges that affect weight, bowel efficiency, nutrient absorption, blood oxygenation/hydration, presence of yeast, bacteria, parasites, etc. and many other elements.  The broad categories evaluated include:

The condition, strength and oxygenation level of red blood cells

Free radical damage (which leads to a multitude of illness and disease)

Metabolism strength

Digestive challenges

Acid/alkaline balance in the body

The tendency to develop atherosclerotic plaque and hyper-clotting disorders

Bacteria, parasites, Candida /yeast /fungi (indirect measurement)

Storage of excess proteins and fats

Evidence of hormonal and glandular system imbalances

Folic acid, B12 and iron deficiencies

Uric acid crystals and risk for gout

Poor circulation, oxygenation levels

Presence of heavy metals

Seeing the condition of your blood with your own eyes is a strong motivator to make better life choices. The life forms seen in the blood give us a “snap-shot” in time, telling us exactly what is going on inside the blood and we can then provide you with a “roadmap” to correct any challenges.

FAQs Live Cell Analysis

What is involved in this procedure?
How often should blood be analyzed?
Why and when should blood be analyzed?
Will there be a diagnosis made?
What recommendations will be made?

What is involved in this procedure?

During the procedure, a health history is obtained from the client and reviewed. Following the initial interview, a single drop of blood is taken from a finger and placed on a microscope slide for viewing. The blood is then projected onto a screen to it can be seen by the client as well. We both view the blood, and discuss different cell shapes and extra cellular formations and their meanings. This is an interactive procedure, and a plan is developed based on the blood’s appearance and individual goals/expectations/abilities to improve the look of the blood. Once the blood improves, the whole health improves.

How often should blood be analyzed?

Usually clients will have an initial visit, and then follow recommendations for at least 2 - 6 weeks before following up. Once health is stabilized, the analysis should be done minimally once a year, ideally 2-4 times a year to ensure health is being maintained.

How does the LCA test differ from a conventional blood test?

There are several ways in which a Nutritional Cell test varies from a conventional blood test:

It involves a tiny non-invasive pin prick to extract a few drops of blood rather than extracting a syringe full of blood through the patient’s arm which can be painful.

It is instant. Conventional testing is sent out to a hematologist and can take up to 2 weeks to receive results whereas you see your results instantly with Live Blood Analysis.

It is a qualitative analysis of the blood and because the blood is examined alive it gives a more accurate picture of how the blood behaves inside the body which allows for a clearer picture of a person’s health at a cellular level. In conventional testing, the blood cells have been outside the body and are dead. Therefore, the hematologist is merely counting dead blood cells which have been tainted by dyes and stains.

Conventional testing cannot see if white blood cells (which support the immune system) are functioning properly, Nutritional Cell Analysis can.

Will there be a diagnosis made?

No. Live blood analysis is NOT a diagnostic tool. A session will certainly identify areas of weakness; however a specific medical diagnosis will not be made. Live blood analysis is used to assist individuals in balancing health, not labeling illness.

What recommendations will be made?

Specific recommendations will be made to improve health as well as decrease toxicity. A “to-do” list is made out specifically for each client based on the analysis made. The role of Body Cleansing Systems is to be a resource to help people on their personal path to wellness.